Monday, May 14, 2007

Construction: Let It Blow Over

I would like to say that construction here is going smoothly. Actually, I'm just not sure what to do. Last week I had a sort of bad experience because of my blog. My knee jerk reaction was to delete the whole thing. Tony stopped me from that so I guess you'll either thank him or slap him! (lol) But I did have to delete my archives and that was sad for me. I think - hope - that all will blow over and then I can just keep going here and perhaps stay 'as is'.

A new thing I've been working on: Wish Stones. People who receive my energy healing work were looking for something tangible and here it is! I have over 50 words, in English and French, and they are selling like little hot cakes! Tony, Elsie and I spend afternoons at the sea sorting through and collecting stones. Then the stones have to pass a rigorous inspection by me which leads to a whole lot of eye rolling, sighs and giggles. At a euro each, this is clearly not a money making venture - it's just a fun thing to do.

posted by Pam @ 10:41 AM |


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